freeradiantbunny User Documentation
Here is a step-by-step guide of what can be done using freeradiantbunny and how to do it.
The document assumes you have a running system and that at minimum the running system is running the Web Server Stack which has a running freeradiantbunny demo.
The instructions below were written before the design changed to a node.js webserver design. So these are unsupported docs. We aim to replace these docs with user docs for the node.js version.
The docs are stark now, yet upon repitition they mature into design explanations.
No doubt there will be pretty diagrams of use cases because the pictorial How-To's are always fun make for swift progress.
Nevertheless, there is something precise about writing out all of the steps in text.
Here we go:
Assumption 1: a freeradiantbunny system. This document assumes that you have installed a freeradiantbunny system, such as is described in Install freeradiantbunny.
Assumption 2: a database installed your database system. The freeradiantbunny system has a database installed. In this example, the database has the name: frb_stable.
Assumption 3: a web-based database administration tool. The webserver system has phpPgAdmin installed on it.
Assumption 4: a "client" (aka "Primary Actor", site owner, stakeholders). There is a permaculture project being assessed and analyzed.
Situation at the Start
When we completed the install we were left with a webpage that showed a working system but there was no data. Note the red field below.
[image of frb screenprint success install]
No projects were found because this is a fresh install and the user has not add any projects to the database.
So, it is time to add a project.
Adding a Project
To add a project, the database is going to be manipulated using a program called phpPgAdmin. This is a browser-based app that allows one to mange a database.
On the webserver used for the test, the phpPgAdmin program can be found using the following URL:
The phpPgAdmin application will ask you to sign in. Use the username and password associated with the database that you installed.
One logged-in, note the left column menu lists your PostgreSQL databases. Click on the name of the database that appears on that list. In this case, the database name is "frb_stable" and it shows the "public" schema.
[image of phppgadmin first page]Click on "public" and you will be presented with a list of tables in the freeradiantbunny database schema.
[image of phppgadmin list of tables'
As of version 1.2, there are 105 tables in the database, each with an associated php file of class code. If you haven't already, click on a few of the table names and see how the columns of the table are displayed (along with lots of other information about the table).
Below is what displays for the projects table. This shows the columns of the table.
[images of phppgadmin projects table]
The phpPgAdmin program is a quick way to develop the database. Until freeradiantbunny gets developed more (with more input and update forms) phpPgAdmin may be used to modify the data.
The freeradiantbunny will focus on displaying the data.
To add a project, look for the "insert" hyperlink. In the above screenprint, find the "insert" hyperlink in the horizontal menu below the column names.
[image of phppgadmin projects table arrow on insert]
Once you click on insert, phpPgAdmin displays a form with fields for each of the table's columns.
[image of phppgadmin projects table insert]
In this example, we are going to input a permaculture project for a chickens and a chicken coop. Read the example, but add your project information accordingly. When you have completed the form, click on the "inert" button at the bottom of the form.
[image of phppgadmin projects table insert]
Note, projects table documentation page contains a brief descriptions of the projects table's columns.
These descriptions may be a guide when entering data into the fields of the INSERT form.
Now, use phpPgAdmin to display the data of the projects table. Surf to the projects table and then click on browse so that you can browse the data on the table.
[image of phppgadmin projects table arrow on browse]
When you browse the data using phpPgAdmin, here is what the new row of data looks like:
[image of phppgadmin projects table row of data]
And now the payoff is viewing the data of the project using freeradiantbunny. Go back to the freeradiantbunny system and load the projects page.
[image phppgadmin projects table browse]
Time to take a break. When you get back, check out How To Add goal_statements.
More User Documentation:
Alternatives to Graphical Interaction
The above is not the only way to use freeradiantbunny. There are some things that can be done using a command-line tool such as the typical Linux terminal. The bash shell is the shell used here. To learn about this, please, check out: Using Via Terminal.
User Documentation
Here is a step-by-step guide of what can be done using freeradiantbunny and how to do it. Little by little this will get easier, and so I hope you learn things along the way to make it doubly worthwhile to do all of this.
No doubt there will be pretty diagrams of use cases because the pictorial How-To's are always fun make for swift progress. Nevertheless, there is something precise about writing out all of the steps in text. Here we go:
Assumption 1: a freeradiantbunny system. This document assumes that you have installed a freeradiantbunny system, such as is described in Install freeradiantbunny.
Assumption 2: a database installed your database system. The freeradiantbunny system has a database installed. In this example, the database has the name: frb_stable.
Assumption 3: a web-based database administration tool. The webserver system has phpPgAdmin installed on it.
Assumption 4: a "client" (aka "Primary Actor", site owner, stakeholders). There is a permaculture project being assessed and analyzed.
Situation at the Start
When we completed the install we were left with a webpage that showed a working system but there was no data. Note the red field below.
[image of frb screenprint success install]
No projects were found because this is a fresh install and the user has not add any projects to the database.
So, it is time to add a project.
Adding a Project
To add a project, the database is going to be manipulated using a program called phpPgAdmin. This is a browser-based app that allows one to mange a database.
On the webserver used for the test, the phpPgAdmin program can be found using the following URL:
The phpPgAdmin application will ask you to sign in. Use the username and password associated with the database that you installed.
One logged-in, note the left column menu lists your PostgreSQL databases. Click on the name of the database that appears on that list. In this case, the database name is "frb_stable" and it shows the "public" schema.
[image of phppgadmin first page]
Click on "public" and you will be presented with a list of tables in the freeradiantbunny database schema.
[image of phppgadmin list of tables]
As of version 1.2, there are 105 tables in the database, each with an associated php file of class code. If you haven't already, click on a few of the table names and see how the columns of the table are displayed (along with lots of other information about the table).
Below is what displays for the projects table. This shows the columns of the table.
[image of phppgadmin projects table]
The phpPgAdmin program is a quick way to develop the database. Until freeradiantbunny gets developed more (with more input and update forms) phpPgAdmin may be used to modify the data.
The freeradiantbunny will focus on displaying the data.
To add a project, look for the "insert" hyperlink. In the above screenprint, find the "insert" hyperlink in the horizontal menu below the column names.
[image of phppgadmin projects table arrow on insert]
Once you click on insert, phpPgAdmin displays a form with fields for each of the table's columns.
[image of phppgadmin projects table insert]
In this example, we are going to input a permaculture project for a chickens and a chicken coop. Read the example, but add your project information accordingly. When you have completed the form, click on the "inert" button at the bottom of the form.
[image of phppgadmin projects table insert]
Note, projects table documentation page contains a brief descriptions of the projects table's columns.
These descriptions may be a guide when entering data into the fields of the INSERT form.
Now, use phpPgAdmin to display the data of the projects table. Surf to the projects table and then click on browse so that you can browse the data on the table.
[image of phppgadmin projects table arrow on browse]
When you browse the data using phpPgAdmin, here is what the new row of data looks like:
[image of phppgadmin projects table row of data]
And now the payoff is viewing the data of the project using freeradiantbunny. Go back to the freeradiantbunny system and load the projects page.
[image of phppgadmin projects table browse]
Time to take a break. When you get back, check out How To Add goal_statements.
More User Documentation:
Alternatives to Graphical Interaction
The above is not the only way to use freeradiantbunny. There are some things that can be done using a command-line tool such as the typical Linux terminal. The bash shell is the shell used here. To learn about this, please, check out: Using Via Terminal.