Motivation Model Subsystem
This is about the Motivation Model Subsystem.
The freeradiantbunny software exists to help aid people who are growing food in a permaculture way. Well, when doing permaculture design a person makes lists of plants.
The freeradiantbunny program started as a way to aid in keeping these lists of plants.
Story of the PlantLists
The story of the PlantLists must be told. It all started with a simple list of plants. Because... whammm! the context is revealed.
The PlantLists class was in the context of a project and before I knew it the freeradiantbunny program has a subsystem devoted to the articulation of goal_statements.
The inspired data schema of the Business Rules Group's Business Motivation Model [pdf] is a kernel design theory.
In other words, during the designing of freeradiantbunny it is assumed that if a person has plant_lists, then that person has goal_statements. The design of the program conceptually rests on the conclusions one may draw from the Business Rules Group's Business Motivation Model.
Good permaculture design method recommends that we articulate the goals in present tense. Indeed, one might argue, that setting the intention of growing the plants on the plant_lists is reflected in the plants grown.
The PlantLists will be discussed in time. For now, we consider the classes that define the project and the motivation of the project. The Motivation Model Subsystem has 7 classes.
To begin, much of the work can be done in the projects class (within the description field).
At first the ideas may be inspired and unorganized. Treat the projects as a
container for all ideas. Ask questions and attempt answers. "Why are there plant lists?" We may explore the context of the plant_lists. "Why does a project exists?" We may explore are passion for feeding people. "What is our purpose?"
In time, the other 6 classes will be built into a structure that holds the plant_lists as an member of the scene_elements class. If this is stuff you have not checked out yet, know that the system attempts to default to a situation where things just work just by naming them. Anyway, hopefully the table below will be a good overview of the classes and show the structure of the Business Motivation Model
Here then are the 7 classes of the freeradiantbunny Motivational Model Subsystem:
subsystem | name | version | extends |
motivational model subsystem | projects | 1.6 | 142 lib/standard |
motivational model subsystem | goal_statements | 1.6 | 142 lib/standard |
motivational model subsystem | business_plan_texts | 1.6 | 142 lib/standard |
motivational model subsystem | processes | 1.6 | |
motivational model subsystem | scene_elements | 1.6 | 142 lib/standard |
motivational model subsystem | process_flows | 1.6 | 144 lib/scrubber |
Menu: Motivational Model Subsystem is a member of Subsystems.