freeradiantbunny docs

Install freeradiantbunny as node.js server

Here are the rough steps for setting up freeradiantbunny as a node.js server.

1. Set up a droplet on Digital Ocean.

2. Confirm that you have node.

$node -v.

3. Download the server.js node demo webserver instance.

$git clone

4. Add the dependicies (includes freeradiantbunny)

$npm update.

5. Install postgresql and run SQL statements to instantiate the database.

$sudo apt-get postgresql.

$psql -U [USERNAME] -D [DATABASE_NAME] < [SQL_FILENAME] > output.txt 2> errors.txt.

node project

While the above instructions will download the freeradiantbunny node.js module. Below is the link to the project page on the website. In case you would like to see the details of the project.