Download freeradiantbunny
For instructions on installing, see Install freeradiantbunny.
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An Older Way to Download freeradiantbunny
The freeradiantbunny code is was hosted on BitBucket.
This software project uses BitBucket, a web-based hosting service that uses git.
There are 2 repositories, the first is the API code and the second is a website that demonstrates the API code.
This is the freeradiantbunny repository:
This contains the php code that comprises of the freeradiantbunny API.
freeradiantbunny demo web application
The freeradiantbunny demo web application repository:
This contains the website that demonstrates the use of the freeradiantbunny API.
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Different Ways to Download
So, if all of that was not potentially confusing, even more options exist...
These git repository websites can be accessed at least 2 different ways, (1) command-line and (2) browser.
One way is to clone the git repository. How to do this is contained within the document How To Clone the freeradiantbunny git Repository.
If that is not to your liking, you may use a browser, surf the project's GitHub repository.
Download freeradiantbunny
There are several ways to download the code for this project. One way to download the code is to use git and clone the repository.
This software project uses BitBucket, a web-based hosting service that uses git.
There are 2 repositories, the first is the API code and the second is a website that demonstrates the API code.
This is the freeradiantbunny repository:
This contains the php code that comprises of the freeradiantbunny API.
freeradiantbunny demo web application
The freeradiantbunny demo web application repository:
This contains the website that demonstrates the use of the freeradiantbunny API.
Different Ways to Download
There are several ways to download the code. One way is to clone the git repository. How to do this is contained within the document freeradiantbunny Install.
If that is not to your liking, you may use a browser, surf both freeradiantbunny project on BitBucket and freeradiantbunny-demo project on BitBucket. On each of these webpages, initiate the download of a zip by clicking on "Download repository".
Updated: 2020-12-30