Database Look-Up Tables for freeradiantbunny
This webpage is all about Look-Up Tables. You easily a list of plants to your freeradiantbunny database. The plants data and other look-up tables (i.e., agriculture_types)) can be inserted into your freeradiantbunny database instance.
Do you want easy-to-merge common information? You have come to the right place.
freeradiantbunny Database Look-Up Tables
First, a picture description of what it taking place. Then, there will be instructions on how to install the look-up tables of data.
1. Database Look-Up Tables Big Picture
There are hundreds of plants. With a little coordination and a basic understanding of copyright law we can share this information.
This works easily because a database is comprised of tables of data. The plants have a table and so we can more-or-less easily export that data from the "plants" table and import it into another table. Easy in the sense that the structure of the data will be the same.
We also need to take copyright law into consideration and here a little knowledge of licensing will aid us. For example, for design ideas check out Creative Commons. It should not be too difficult to settle upon a community-focused strategy for the licensing.
Lastly, the technical level might be of interest. The database includes "constraints" and these enforce relationships among database tables. For example, each plant in the "plants" table has a unique id so as to identify it. Well, there is a constraint that relates the "plants" table to the "plant_lists" table.
The plants.id field is used by the "plant_lists" table to loop-up the data in the "plants" table.
One could make an argument that it would be more natural to use the plants.scientific_name field instead of the plants.id field.
2. How to Install the Look-Up Tables of Data
A person with look-up table data can use export SQL statements.
One way would be to use the command-line psql program.
Another way would be to use the web-based phpPgAdmin program, which has an "Export" button.
A person can accept SQL statements from an outside source and execute the SQL statements.
The issue ameliorating any kind of database errors that could occur during the INSERT process. For now the person doing the inserting will have to keep a head-up for errors. Because they probably know there database instance the best.
It may be useful to post the information on the website so that it can be easily downloaded. Or, should this be on BitBucket?
This also brings up the issue of posted images that are shared.
freeradiantbunny Look-Up Tables
To add the Loop-Up Table data, cut the following SQL statements and paste them into your database management system of choice (see above).
-- -- SQL Statements for a freeradiantbunny (version 1.2) PostgreSQL database -- -- -- agricultural_types -- INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (13, 'soil area', 'This is a place where plants grow. This type is different in that it identifies the data as being related to the soil_areas table.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (8, 'place', 'A place on the map. This is conceptual a point. An object of this type should be able to interpret GPS coordinates data of a marked waypoint.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (3, 'undeveloped', 'This is land that has the potential to grow food but is currently not growing food.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (7, 'field', 'Open space, typically with grass and not that many trees.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (2, 'farm', 'More on the side of a larger plot of land with an full-time operator managing it.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (6, 'greenhouse', 'A structure with clear covering that helps trap the sun''s energy.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (12, 'layout', 'This is a row from the old layouts table.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (9, 'area', 'This marks out a geometric area. This type of land is more conceptual than anything. For example, is probably best to consider this a kind of unclassified land. This is just a rippled plane in space.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (4, 'bed', 'An area typically in a garden and usually with walkways on all sides. Could be a raised bed.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (11, 'compost pile', 'A place where green matter and brown matter are mixed and left to decompose with worms.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (1, 'garden', 'More on the side of a small backyard plot of plants that a homeowner has. But one should be too picky; easy to include public gardens and gardens that one may visit.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (5, 'land', 'An area on a map, usually associated with a plot that is on a land title or a part of a plot like a back yard. This definition leans more to the land surveyor''s meaning. For example, the maps from governments are useful. It is assumed that GPS data may be associated with this data.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); INSERT INTO agricultural_types VALUES (10, 'pickup location', 'This is where CSA sharemembers pickup CSA shares. Often the farmer will be there and it is typically operated by a volunteer sharemember.', 'http://freeradiantbunny.org/main/en/docs/_images/commons/img_url/agricultural_types/agricultural_type_default.png'); -- -- zachmans -- INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (1, 'motivations', 'why'); INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (2, 'process', 'how'); INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (3, 'things', 'what'); INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (4, 'locations', 'where'); INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (5, 'people', 'who'); INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (6, 'timing', 'when'); INSERT INTO zachmans VALUES (7, 'n/a', 'not applicable'); -- -- plant_categories -- INSERT INTO plant_categories VALUES (1, 'vegetable', ''); INSERT INTO plant_categories VALUES (2, 'herb', ''); INSERT INTO plant_categories VALUES (3, 'flower', ''); INSERT INTO plant_categories VALUES (4, 'fruit', ''); INSERT INTO plant_categories VALUES (5, 'trees', ''); -- -- plant_families -- INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (1, 'Apiaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (2, 'Asteraceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (3, 'Brassicaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (4, 'Chenopodiaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (5, 'Cucurbitaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (6, 'Fabaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (7, 'Liliaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (8, 'Poaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (9, 'Polygonaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (10, 'Portulacaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (11, 'Solanaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (12, 'Tetragoniaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (13, 'unknown'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (14, 'Asparagaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (15, 'Boraginaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (16, 'Lamiaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (17, 'Verbenaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (18, 'Amaranthaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (19, 'Ericaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (20, 'Annonaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (21, 'Betulaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (22, 'Cupressaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (23, 'Boraginaceae'); INSERT INTO plant_families VALUES (24, 'Moraceae'); -- -- plants -- INSERT INTO plants VALUES (6, 'Cabbage', NULL, 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (9, 'Cauliflower', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (11, 'Celery', 'Apium graveolens', 1, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (25, 'Lettuce', NULL, 1, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (17, 'Eggplant', NULL, 1, 11); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (19, 'Garlic', NULL, 1, 7); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (22, 'Kohlrabi', NULL, 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (101, 'Asparagus', 'Asparagus officinalis', 1, 14); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (102, 'Black Locust', 'Robinia pseudoacacia', 5, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (103, 'Sea Kale', 'Crambe maritima', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (84, 'Camomile, German', 'Matricaria recutita', 2, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (4, 'Broccoli', 'Brassica oleracea', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (106, 'Cosmos', 'genus: Cosmos', 2, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (108, 'Corn', NULL, 1, 8); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (109, 'Stocks', 'Matthiola incana', 3, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (105, 'Zinnia', NULL, 3, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (15, 'Cucumber', 'Cucumis sativus', 1, 5); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (80, 'Arugula', 'Eruca sativa', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (107, 'Beans, Lima', 'Phaseolus lunatus', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (31, 'Parsley', NULL, 2, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (1, 'Basil', 'Ocimum basilicum', 2, 16); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (32, 'Parsnip', NULL, 1, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (18, 'Escarole', NULL, 1, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (5, 'Cabbage, Chinese', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (8, 'Catnip', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (13, 'Cilantro', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (12, 'Chard', 'Beta vulgaris', 1, 4); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (76, 'Beet', '', 1, 4); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (104, 'Soybeans', 'Glycine max', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (2, 'Beans, Bush', 'Phaseolus vulgaris', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (7, 'Carrot', 'Daucus carota', 1, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (21, 'Kale', 'Brassica napus', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (14, 'Collards', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (24, 'Lemon Grass', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (26, 'Lovage', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (28, 'Mint', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (29, 'Nasturtium', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (38, 'Potato, Sweet', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (39, 'Radicchio', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (41, 'Savory', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (42, 'Scallion', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (46, 'Stevia', NULL, 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (53, 'Turnip', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (54, 'Ageratum', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (55, 'Amaranthus', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (56, 'Asters', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (57, 'Celosia', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (58, 'Cleome', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (59, 'Gomphrena', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (60, 'Hibiscus', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (61, 'Hyacinth Bean', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (62, 'Marigold', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (63, 'Phlox', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (64, 'Reseda', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (3, 'Beebalm', 'Monarda didyma', 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (65, 'Salvia', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (66, 'Scabiosa', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (67, 'Snapdragons', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (68, 'Statice', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (69, 'Strawflower', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (70, 'Thunbergia', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (71, 'Viola', NULL, 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (10, 'Celeriac', 'Apium graveolens rapaceum', 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (40, 'Radish', NULL, 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (44, 'Spinach', NULL, 1, 4); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (27, 'Melon', NULL, 1, 5); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (23, 'Leek', NULL, 1, 7); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (30, 'Onion', NULL, 1, 7); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (91, 'Purple Coneflower', 'Echinacea Purpurea', 2, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (88, 'Borage', 'orago officinalis', 2, 15); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (43, 'Sorrel', NULL, 2, 9); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (35, 'Pepper, Hot', NULL, 1, 11); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (36, 'Pepper, Sweet', 'Capsicum annuum', 1, 11); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (37, 'Potato', NULL, 1, 11); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (75, 'Indian Blanket', 'Gaillardia pulchella', 3, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (79, 'Cranberry', '', 4, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (81, 'Pumpkin', 'genus Cucurbita; family Cucurbitaceae', 1, 5); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (83, 'Squash, Winter', '', 1, 5); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (74, 'Pea, Shelling', 'Pisum sativum', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (33, 'Pea, Snap', 'Pisum sativum', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (34, 'Pea, Snow', 'Pisum sativum', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (82, 'Camomile, Roman', 'Anthemis nobilis', 2, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (78, 'Mango', NULL, 4, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (87, 'Bergamot, Lemon', 'Monarda citriodora', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (90, 'Chives', 'Allium schoenoprasum', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (92, 'Feverfew', 'Tanacetum parthenium', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (93, 'Horehound', 'Marrubium vulgare', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (94, 'Lemon Balm', 'Melissa officinalis', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (95, 'Mugwort', 'Artemisia vulgaris', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (96, 'Mullein', 'Verbascum thapsus', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (97, 'Sage', 'Salvia officinalis', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (98, 'Thyme', 'Thymus vulgaris', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (99, 'Valerian', 'Valeriana officinailis', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (100, 'Yarrow', 'Achillea millefolium', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (89, 'Calendula', 'Calendula officinalis', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (110, 'Lavendar', '', 2, 16); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (111, 'Angelica', 'Angelica', 2, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (113, 'Oregano', 'Origanum vulgare', 2, 16); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (114, 'Pennyroyal', 'Hedeoma pulegioides', 2, 16); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (115, 'Rosemary', 'Rosmarinus officinalis', 2, 16); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (116, 'Lemon Verbena', 'Aloysia citrodora', 2, 17); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (117, 'Fennel', 'Foeniculum vulgare', 2, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (16, 'Dill', 'Anethum graveolens', 2, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (112, 'Marjoram, Sweet', 'Origanum majorana', 2, 16); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (119, 'Brussels Sprout', 'Brassica oleracea', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (120, 'Cantaloupe', 'Cucumis melo', 4, 5); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (121, 'Endive', 'Cichorium endivia', 1, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (122, 'Mizuna', 'Brassica rapa nipposinica', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (123, 'Rutabaga', 'Brassica napobrassica', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (124, 'Watermelon', 'Citrullus lanatus', 1, 5); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (125, 'Jilo', 'Solanum aethiopicum', 1, 11); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (127, 'Tatsoi', 'Brassica narinosa', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (128, 'Mustard', NULL, 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (129, 'Bean, Pole', 'Phaseolus coccineus', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (126, 'Bean, Fava', 'Vicia faba', 1, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (47, 'Squash, Summer', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (130, 'Rhubarb', 'Rheum rhabarbarum', 3, 9); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (131, 'Cress', NULL, 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (132, 'Orach', 'Atriplex hortensis', 1, 18); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (77, 'Blueberry', 'Vaccinium corymbosum', 4, 19); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (133, 'Clover, White', 'Trifolium repens', 2, 6); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (134, 'Clover, Red', 'Trifollium pratense', 3, 8); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (52, 'Tomato', NULL, 1, 11); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (135, 'pawpaw', 'Asimina triloba', NULL, 20); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (136, 'Paper Birch', 'Betula papyrifera', 5, 21); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (137, 'Arborvitae', 'Thuja occidentalis', 5, 22); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (138, 'Pac Choi', 'Brassica rapa', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (20, 'Asian Greens', NULL, 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (118, 'Bok Choy', 'Brassica rapa (Cultivar group: Chinensis, Pekinensis group)', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (139, 'Broccoli Raab', 'Brassica rapa (Cultivar group: Ruvo group)', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (140, 'Mache', 'Valerianella locusta', 1, 13); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (141, 'Belle Isle Cress', 'Barbarea verna', 1, 3); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (142, 'Tarragon', 'Artemisia dracunculus', 2, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (143, 'Coriander', 'Coriandrum sativum', 2, 1); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (144, 'Sunflower', 'Helianthus annuus', 3, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (145, 'Dandelion', 'Taraxacum officinale', 2, 2); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (146, 'Comfrey', 'Symphytum officinale', 2, 23); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (147, 'Stinging Nettle', NULL, 2, NULL); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (148, 'Oak bark', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (149, 'White Mulberry', 'Morus alba', 5, 24); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (150, 'Lamb''s Quarters', '', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (151, 'Elderberry', '', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (152, 'Sassafras', '', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO plants VALUES (153, 'Rabbit-eye Blueberry', 'Vaccinium virgatum', 2, 19); -- -- units -- INSERT INTO units VALUES (7, 'row foot', 'A linear distance.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (4, 'head', 'Example: lettuce.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (3, 'each', 'Single plant or harvested single plant part.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (2, 'bunch', 'Bound by a rubber band.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (5, 'pint', 'Volume.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (8, '100 square-foot', 'Area. From Jeavons HTGMV page 86-96.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (11, 'wind speed (feet per second)', 'a measurement of how fast the wind is travelling'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (12, 'lumens', 'a measurement of how much light is shining'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (13, 'moisture', 'a measurement of how much water is in the soil of a plant'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (14, 'system status', 'a measurement of the operational functioning of the observer'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (10, 'degrees F', 'a measurement of temperature in degrees Fahrienheit'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (19, 'seed packet', 'One seed packet.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (6, 'ear', 'Example: corn.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (15, 'date-time', 'a measurement of time, including both date and time (calendar and clock)'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (20, 'seeds', 'A count of seeds.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (22, 'filename of image showing time, inside-temperature, and outside-temperature', 'LCD read-out, PNG format'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (16, 'time and labor', 'time and labor; barter goods; time it was done; cost in human effort;'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (18, 'oz', 'One ounce as weight.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (1, 'lb', 'Weight.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (21, 'unknown', 'Used when units is not known.'); INSERT INTO units VALUES (17, 're-closable bag', 'A small plastic baggie, the kind that has a re-closable top.');