whoosh search
Whoosh is a fast, feature-rich, and easy-to-use full-text search library implemented in Python. It's designed to handle indexing and searching of textual content efficiently. Whoosh is lightweight, making it a good choice for smaller projects, and does not require external dependencies such as databases or external search engines like Elasticsearch or Solr.
Key Features of Whoosh:
- Full-Text Search: Whoosh allows you to index and search text documents, including support for phrase searches, wildcards, and fuzzy searches.
- Indexing: It provides indexing capabilities for documents and fields, enabling quick lookups and search results. The indexing is done on individual terms, and the index can be updated incrementally.
- Scoring: Whoosh uses a scoring model to rank search results based on relevance. It supports different scoring algorithms like BM25F, and you can customize how scores are calculated.
- Faceting: It allows for faceted search, meaning that it can organize search results based on predefined fields, such as categorizing search results into different groups based on specific attributes (e.g., date, category).
- Search Features: Whoosh supports advanced query syntax, including:
- Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).
- Phrase searches.
- Wildcards and fuzzy matching.
- Proximity search (searching for words within a certain distance).
- Customizability: You can define custom analyzers, tokenizers, and filters to control how text is processed during both indexing and searching.
- Simple API: The API is straightforward, making it easy to integrate into Python projects. You can create, index, and search within a few lines of code.
- Storage: The index can be stored on the filesystem, and Whoosh provides a way to persist the index in a directory or database.
Use Cases:
- Personal search engines: For small-scale search within your own data, like a document repository or knowledge base.
- Content-based applications: Websites, blogs, or any project that needs an integrated search feature.
- Research: In research projects that need to process and search through a corpus of documents efficiently.
- Whoosh is suitable for smaller applications or as an internal search engine, but it might not scale as well as more enterprise-level search engines like Elasticsearch or Solr.
- It does not natively support distributed searching or horizontal scaling.
Whoosh Set-up
When setting up a search engine using the Whoosh library, you'll need to create and organize a few files. These files include Python scripts for managing the index and handling search requests, as well as HTML templates for interacting with the search engine via a web browser. Below is a guide on how to structure these files and where the code snippets fit.
See: whoosh documentation
Directory Structure
Here's an example of a typical directory structure for your project:
├── app.py # Flask app to handle search requests and indexing
├── indexdir/ # Directory where the Whoosh index is stored
├── templates/ # Folder for HTML templates
│ └── search.html # Search form template for the webpage
└── static/ # Folder for static files like CSS, JS, etc. (optional)
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Running Files
1. Create the Flask Application (`app.py`)
The primary Python script will handle the creation of the Whoosh index, querying it, and displaying results. You can use the `Flask` framework for handling web requests.
Here is how the code fits into `app.py`:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from whoosh import index
from whoosh.fields import Schema, TEXT, ID
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
# Define schema for Whoosh index (create this only once)
schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), content=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True))
# Directory to store the index
index_dir = "indexdir"
# Function to create the index (only run once to initialize the index)
def create_index():
if not os.path.exists(index_dir):
ix = index.create_in(index_dir, schema)
writer = ix.writer()
writer.add_document(title="First Document", content="This is the content of the first document.", path="/a")
writer.add_document(title="Second Document", content="Content of the second document goes here.", path="/b")
# Uncomment to create the index if not already created (run once)
# create_index()
# Route to display the search form and show results
@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def search():
results = []
if request.method == "POST":
query_string = request.form["query"]
ix = index.open_dir(index_dir)
qp = QueryParser("content", schema=ix.schema)
query = qp.parse(query_string)
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
results = searcher.search(query)
return render_template("search.html", results=results)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Explanation of `app.py`:
- Flask App: This is a simple web server that serves the search page and displays search results.
- Whoosh Index: The `create_index` function creates the Whoosh index if it does not already exist. This index is stored in the `indexdir` directory.
- Query Parsing: When the form is submitted, the search term is parsed, and the Whoosh index is queried for relevant results.
- Template Rendering: The search results are passed to the HTML template (`search.html`) for display.
2. Create the HTML Template (`templates/search.html`)
This file defines the structure of the web page with a search form and a place to display results. Flask automatically looks for HTML files in a `templates/` directory.
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" name="query" placeholder="Search..." />
<button type="submit">Search</button>
<h1>Search Results</h1>
{% for result in results %}
<li>{{ result['title'] }} - <a href="{{ result['path'] }}">Link</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Explanation of `search.html`:
- Form: A simple HTML form is used to collect search input from the user.
- Displaying Results: If there are any search results, they are displayed in a list format. Each result shows the document title, and the user can click on a link to the `path` of the document.
3. Create the Whoosh Index (`indexdir/`)
- indexdir: This is the directory where the Whoosh index will be stored. You do not need to manually create any files inside `indexdir`; the Whoosh library will handle it when you run the `create_index` function.
- Creating the Index: The `create_index` function in `app.py` will create an index with documents if the directory does not already exist. The index will be stored in `indexdir/` and will contain the documents added through the `writer.add_document()` method.
4. Running the Application
1. Run the Flask App:
After you have created the files as described above, you can run your Flask app by running the following command:
python app.py
2. Access the Web Interface:
- Open a browser and go to `` to see the search form.
- Enter a query in the form to search the documents in the Whoosh index.
5. How to Update the Index
- To add new documents or update the index, you can modify the `create_index` function, or you could write a separate script to handle indexing dynamically, depending on your needs. The index can be rebuilt using the `writer.add_document()` method.
Additional Considerations:
- Deployment: When deploying the application to a production environment, you might need to adjust settings for the web server and file storage.
- Index Management: If you want to update the index, use the `writer.update_document()` method for updating existing documents and `writer.delete_document()` for removing documents.
- Search Optimization: You may need to experiment with different query types and parsers (e.g., `QueryParser`, `FuzzyQuery`) to improve search results accuracy.
This setup provides a basic Whoosh search engine integrated with a Flask web application. From here, you can expand the system, add more sophisticated search features, or integrate it with a more complex database.