five tribes

The "Five Tribes of Machine Learning" is a framework introduced by Pedro Domingos in The Master Algorithm, categorizing different schools of thought in ML. Each tribe has its own approach, drawing from different disciplines:

1. Analogizers (Psychology & Case-Based Reasoning)

Core Idea: Learning by analogy.

Key Methods: Support Vector Machines (SVMs), k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), Case-Based Reasoning (CBR).

Influence from Psychology: Human learning often relies on past experiences and recognizing similarities.

2. Symbologists (Logic & Philosophy)

Core Idea: Learning through symbolic reasoning and formal logic.

Key Methods: Decision trees, logic programming, rule-based systems, expert systems.

Influence from Philosophy & Logic: Inspired by reasoning, deduction, and symbolic representation of knowledge.

3. Connectionists (Neuroscience & Neural Networks)

Core Idea: Learning by simulating brain-like neural connections.

Key Methods: Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Deep Learning, Backpropagation.

Influence from Neuroscience: Inspired by the way neurons in the brain interact and adjust based on experience.

4. Evolutionaries (Evolutionary Biology & Genetic Algorithms)

Core Idea: Learning through evolution and natural selection.

Key Methods: Genetic Algorithms (GA), Genetic Programming (GP), Evolutionary Strategies.

Influence from Evolutionary Biology: Inspired by mutation, crossover, and selection processes in evolution.

5. Bayesians (Statistics & Probabilistic Inference)

Core Idea: Learning through probabilistic reasoning and updating beliefs.

Key Methods: Bayesian Networks, Naïve Bayes, Markov Chains, Probabilistic Graphical Models.

Influence from Statistics: Rooted in Bayesian probability, which updates prior beliefs with new evidence.

Each tribe has made significant contributions, and modern ML often blends ideas from multiple tribes to build more powerful models.