web analytics

Web analytics tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and others collect and analyze these types of data to help website owners make informed decisions, optimize their sites, and improve user experiences.

Web analytics software typically captures a wide range of data about website visitors and their interactions. Some common types of data include:

Traffic Sources

Information about where visitors are coming from, such as search engines, social media, referral websites, or direct traffic.

Visitor Demographics

Data about the age, gender, location, and interests of your website's audience.

Page Views

The number of times each page on your website is viewed.

Unique Visitors

The count of individual users who visit your site within a specific time frame.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page.

Time on Site

How long visitors spend on your website on average.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on a specific link or call-to-action.

Exit Pages

The pages from which visitors most commonly leave your site.


The search terms visitors use to find your site in search engines.

User Behavior

Tracking mouse movements, clicks, and scroll depth to analyze how users interact with your site.

Device and Browser Information

The types of devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) and browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) used by visitors.

Geographic Data

Information about the locations of your website's visitors.

Referral Data

Which websites or sources are sending traffic to your site.

E-commerce Data

For online stores, analytics can include sales, revenue, and product performance.

Event Tracking

Monitoring specific user interactions, such as video views, downloads, or form submissions.

Custom Metrics

Tailored data points relevant to your specific business goals.