site map
A site map is a visual or hierarchical representation of a website's structure, displaying the arrangement of its pages, content, and navigation. It serves as a blueprint that outlines the relationships between different sections and helps users understand the overall organization of the website.
In essence, a site map acts as a navigational aid, offering users a bird's-eye view of the website's architecture and content layout. It presents a clear outline of the site's sections, subpages, and their interconnections, aiding users in locating specific information quickly and efficiently. By providing a structured and intuitive overview of the website, users can easily grasp its scope, making it easier to find what they're looking for and navigate through the content seamlessly.
A site map enhances user experience by improving accessibility and user engagement. It ensures that users can easily reach their desired destination, whether it's a product page, blog post, or contact information. Overall, a well-designed site map significantly contributes to a positive user experience, making the website more user-friendly and functional.