glow kids

"Glow Kids" by Nicholas Kardaras delves into the pervasive influence of screen technology, particularly on children.

Kardaras presents a compelling argument, cautioning against the excessive use of screens, emphasizing the potential risks and adverse effects on young minds.

The book expounds on the neurological and psychological impact of constant screen exposure, discussing addiction, attention issues, and social challenges that may arise from excessive screen time.

Kardaras advocates for a balanced approach to technology use, highlighting the importance of parental guidance and setting limits to safeguard children from the potential pitfalls associated with screen addiction.

However, while the book raises crucial concerns about screen addiction and its effects, it's important to also consider the positive aspects and opportunities technology offers when used responsibly.

"Glow Kids" prompts a critical reevaluation of our relationship with screens, urging for a mindful and balanced approach to their use, especially among children.

links to Glow Kids info

Nicholas Kardaras - Glow Kids Official Page

Glow Kids on Goodreads

Psychology Today's Review of Glow Kids

NPR - Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction is Hijacking Kids' Brains